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  • Japanese Bend [Knots]
  • Geigy
  • Clipper
  • Cats Paw [Knots]
  • 1980 [Rings]
  • Leaf Mantis
Sarah Morris: Clips, Knots, and 1972
New Space

Sarah Morris is an internationally recognized painter and filmmaker, known for her complex abstractions, which play with architecture and the psychology of urban environments. Morris views both her paintings and films as parallel - both trace urban, social and bureaucratic topologies. In both these media, she explores the psychology of the contemporary city and its architecturally encoded politics. Morris assesses what today’s urban structures, bureaucracies, cities and nations might conceal and surveys how a particular moment can be inscribed and embedded into its visual surfaces. Often, these non-narrative fictional analyses result in studies of conspiratorial power, structures of control, and the mapping of global socio-political networks.

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